Ruapehu Summer Activities

Ruapehu Spring/Summer/Autumn programme 2024/2025 - come stay! 

From the Desert Rd3

What... Encouraging ASC members (and their families and friends) to use the club’s Ruapehu Lodges out of the ski season

Why...  To become a more prosperous, vibrant, fun and financially viable club

When...  October 2024 thru' to April 2025

How much..

  • Adult member:                    $42.5/night
  • Junior member (3-21 yrs):  $24/night
  • Adult guest:                         $45/night
  • Junior guest (3-21 yrs):       $29/night 

Note that rates charged may change as the site is updated.

How to book?  ...

Club members are warmly invited to spend some time at our lodges at Ruapehu over summer to enjoy the myriad of activities in the area.  Encourage your friends and family to join you for some fun and recreation.

Feel free to do your own thing, join up with others staying in the lodge to do what they're doing, offer to lead an activity ..... the options are endless! 

A Frame lounge January 2018

Work Party at the A-Frame

Glimpse of Tongariro National Park attractions...

 Here are a couple of quick links to things to do, places to see  in Tongariro National Park ...... while you're staying at our lodge!

We've included links for specific activities ..... check it out! 


We're hoping the new Snow Factory at Whakapapa will be busy making snow daily over the summer season!!  If so, Sledging will be available in the Plaza at the top of the Bruce Road in front of the main buildings (Lorenz's, retail shop etc).  There's a charge for this and hire of sledges as it does cost to manufacture snow in summer!! 





Mountain biking (and BMX track)



- check their website for Public Kids Fishing Days and/or group bookings for over 15 people 



Stand up paddle boarding

  • Lake Otamangakau


Emerald and Blue Lakes  .... view from a Cesna ....



and many, many more walking, mountain-biking, climbing and socialising opportunities!!!

For more information on any of the activities listed above please send your inquiries to: